I remember the spring time fields by Drakes Bay
They were so green and vibrant with blooms of solitude
Pockmarked here and there with what the previous season had sown
With shades of lavender, blue and pink
The bleeding hearts and the occasional forget-me-nots
Danced ever so slightly in the gritty salted breeze to an unheard tune
Past Arch Rock, the Coast Trail, to Elephant Rock and the Tomales Trail
The blooms lingered in the silent echoes of that salted breeze
Abrasive with its parched kisses from the Farallons
The air flowed along the coastal orchards-caressing and coddling
All the while, raking away at what all the roots grasped
Lovely poem! I like how the imagery is so vivid; I feel like I'm there. And how a landscape seems to describe a relationship, too (parched kisses, blooms of solitude). Very nice.
Yes dreamsofoceans, I like the imagery that this poet used as well. The lavender, pink, and the forget-me-nots. Dawson captures the essence of what it is to be one with nature and one with love.
The poet uses words to describe the senses from taste "that salted breeze" to touch "parched kisses." It's very descriptive and the scene comes to life.
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